Nature’s true work of art – the ice hotel is open this season and welcomes all who are looking for the coolest place to lodge in the Carpathian Mountains. The experience promises to be like no other and sure to warm your heart. It is the adventure you’ve been looking for, over 2000 m high where you can enjoy the thrill of snow and winter activities such as snowmobiling, rafting and tubing. Retreat to your private igloo & experience the art of a winter wonderland.
The Ice Hotel
The ice hotel has been around since 2005, always rebuilt annually (depending on the weather & pandemic which put it on hold for 2 years) in the heart of the Fagaras mountains. It is open mainly from January to April as access to Balea Waterfall is done only by cable car. It is truly a magnificent creation using bricks of ice which have been extracted from glaciers in the Fagaras mountains. In less than 1 month, glacier artists construct the hotel which attracts approximately 8000 tourists per season. But it is more than a hotel, it is more like an ice resort, featuring mini bar access, an ice restaurant, and an ice church for the important Christmas mass.The temperature inside of the hotel is -2 degrees so you better bundle up or prepare to cuddle close to a loved one. Nearby you have Balea lodge and restaurant where you can warm up your hands over a hot cup of tea or serve an afternoon lunch. It’s time to be extraordinary by taking on a winter lodging experience like no other, right in the heart of the fiercest mountains in Romania!